Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hey everyone! The mission of my first post is to introduce myself and my accomplices, the reason I am doing this, some ROE (rules of engagement) my hobbies and accomplishments and other such we go.

First, my name is RandyJ and I am serving my country as a Soldier in faraway places. I am married to DD and have been for nearly 11 years. I also have a young high school daughter at home who is going into the 10th grade. Her name is Buddah. The main reason I have started this eblog is to help keep my family informed of my whereabouts, daily activities and such since I am terrible at phone calls. I will post pictures (hopefully) on here from time to time and was reminded recently from a young man (who also has an eblog) the need to keep things on the DL (hush, hush) concerning my activities. It's not that I don't want you to know, it's that I can' understand. The ROE for this is that I won't disclose any names, places or anything else that may out others or their whereabouts and whatnot. My hobbies are anything to do with the outdoors, although I spend a majority of time there, but nonetheless I still love it. I am a mountain bike freak - anything to do with bikes I am there! I also dabble in snowboarding, but I'm not really that good yet. I love hiking and backpacking and fitness as well. I have numerous accomplishments from my career, but no one is interested in those except in my world. One of the best accomplishments I have had to date would have to be leading the younger guys into the GWOT with great success.

This forum will be used to tell tales, keep the LOC's (lines of communication) open to my family and to offer my "views from the hide site" over my long career in the military. Both tactical and nontactical. So, we're off...enjoy!

1 comment:

Charivarius said...

I've only known RandyC as a Company 1SG, but my favorite memory of him will be the time he went RI on one of the worst Squad Leaders ever. I sincerely hope that in posting this, RandyC will become motivated to tell the story of how SGT S**** came to lose his job.